Learn the workflow and the skills to transform a generic design into a personal object. During this workshop, particiapants will learn and experiment with 3D modeling, laser cutting, engraving and CNC milling by personalizing his own Twistab.
La tecnología digital nos permite hacer objetos únicos y partiendo de un diseño genérico crear un mueble personalizado. La propuesta de este taller es que cada participante experimente con el modelado 3D, practique el corte, el grabado láser y el fresado por control numérico (CNC) customizándo así su propio Twistab.
Twistab es un diseño abierto de creación de taburetes y mesas en el que el usuario puede adaptar el tamaño y la forma a sus necesidades, y cuyas piezas se asemblan sin necesidad de herramientas.
Making your own furniture using digital technology is now easier than ever. Learn the workflow and the skills to transform a generic design into a personal object. During this workshop, particiapants will learn and experiment with 3D modeling, laser cutting, engraving and CNC milling by personalizing his own Twistab.
Twistab is an open design for flatpack stools and tables for any size/ shape, and that assembles with the need of tools or any other materials.
Isaac Pierre Racine
30th April and 1st May, 2016
Saturday : 30th April
10:00 hr. - Green Fablab Tour
10:30 hr. - Intro to 3d Software
11:00 hr. - Designing your
Twistab Model
Sunday : 1st may
10:00 hr. - Intro to File2Factory
11:00 hr. - CNC milling
16:00 hr. - Laser engraving
Ctra. BV-1415 (Horta-Cerdanyola), km 7
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès
Barcelona - Spain
+34 617351890
175 euros
Students = 20% discount.
Includes formation and materials
You can book this workshop using the online registration form
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